AmigaOS3.5 (511/967)

From:Robin Hueskes
Date:16 May 2000 at 19:28:09
Subject:Re: Upgrade of system

Hello Sergio

First step is to think about the usage of the Kernel
Select between PUP and WOS ... Most software is
written for WOS as it is set to standard but some
Tools are running only with PUP (CandyFactoryPro).

Patches are mostly not needed for OS3.5 you can run my
favourite tool ReqAttack a replacement for the boring
requesters which plays animations in lots of colors :)

Or another useful tool is MCP (I am one of the few who recommend
this piece of software ... Lots of people would delete it ;)

And for full use of the colors you should have Magic Menu

> (someone can suggest me a mp3 decoder that use ppc ? 68k version is slow)

AmigaAMP direct or with mpega.library (ppc or warpup as you like)
With the mpega.library there are lots of players which can
play mp3 ... Songplayer (my favourite) , Prayer2 the one without
AHI (For those with problems crashing AHI) ...

> (and video reader that work with ppc)

Frogger (mpg and videocd) and MoovidPPC or Softcinema for mov,avi ...

Robin Hueskes The Community makes it happen ...


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